Friday, September 13, 2019

System Development Process and System Initiation Assignment - 32

System Development Process and System Initiation - Assignment Example One of the major problems with Carrefour’s current inventory system as depicted by its consumers is the occurrence of out-of-stock. This is due to high demand for its products as well as theft of goods by some employees. The major implication of out-of-stock to consumers is lack of trust and confidence in the firm. It is vital to note that consumer’s loyalty and trust is significantly generated by ensuring their favorite brands are available and that consumers do not have to wait for a long time for their delivery. The second problem faced by Carrefour retail stores in the long queue at the checkpoint. This does not only demotivate the current consumers but also it reduces the purchasing time that the customers need in order to appropriately select their goods. The key factor that causes long queue is lack of adequate employees as a result of high absenteeism. Thirdly, the store is faced with a problem of theft from its employees due to low salaries as compared to their counterparts in other stores. As a result of theft, Carrefour stock in more than 23 hypermarkets located in the Middle East diminishes making it hard to meet the high demand of its customers in different regions. As a result of the problem of out-of-stock, Carrefour’s inventory control system will maintain inventory at no more than three days-on-hand stock. This will ensure that the cost of maintaining stock is reduced as well as reducing the time of stock-taking by the auditors. Additionally, the store will easily identify the products that are running out of stock thus maintaining the loyalty of the existing consumers. To ensure that long queue is avoided at the checkpoint, 10-15 employees will be allocated for every employee. Additionally, Carrefour will establish 3 more checkpoints that consumers can use to enter and leave the store an aspect that will reduce the congestion at the checkpoint (West 11). As mentioned earlier, Carrefour out-of-stock  problem is also brought about by employees theft, in this regard, the firm will employ two security officers who will undertake a physical check of all the employees including those who are directly involved in stock taking and products arrangement on the stores.  

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