Thursday, September 12, 2019

Article or Case law Search Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Or Case law Search - Article Example In general, the antitrust litigation involves hospital. This article by Feinberg mediates private antitrust suit(2009) explains the recent underlying issues and developments in the antitrust edict with respect to the hospital physician relations, hospital relations and hospital payer relations just to mention but a few (Jossey, 2009). The core question that has long not been answered in these areas is the manner to which public relations and government determine the competitiveness for the services offered by hospitals. It is worth noting that hospital competition can lead to social benefits, which in turn depends more on legislations and regulations than on courts. It follows that the antitrust law has pivoted the shaping of the contemporary medical markets. One of the most pertinent thing that experts point out as an influence cause by the antitrust law is the ushering in of the era of medicine as a ‘valued’ business. Of late, research has discovered that lawsuits against the medical centers make up the lion’s share of antitrust litigation. Between the year 198/5 and 1999, the article affirms that the hospitals defended sixty one percent of the total 394 medical antitrust disputes (Jossey, 2009). It was at this time that the court decides to issue a formal opinion, where it stated that the hospital were only six percent plaintiffs. According to the author, this numbers understated the burden of hospital’s antitrust litigation (Jossey, 2009). This understate came about due to the information that the files gave out. It is noted that the claims of the files did not gear up the publication of the judicial opinion. In this regard, the antitrust perspective explains that hospitals are merely business organizations that bear the mandate of providing medical services. Undoubtedly, these services entail combinations of advanced technology, physical facilities, and lastly the specialized human capital. All the above forms the nature of the regulatory

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